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2012年4月24日 星期二

Golden Crystalline Luminous Honeycomb 金色結晶「發光蜂巢」

When it slammed into the surface of Earth, there was little sign of the beauty that lay inside. 當它撞上地球表面,裡面躺著很美麗的圖樣。

But cutting the Fukang meteorite open yielded a breathtaking sight. 但切割的阜康隕石展現了令人驚嘆的景象。

 宇宙奇觀: 阜康隕石的拋光片通過光線在陽光下熠熠生輝
Cosmic wonder: Marvin Killgore of the Arizona Meteorite Laboratory lets the sun shine through a polished slice of the Fukang rock Add caption

Within the rock, translucent golden crystals of a mineral called olivine gleamed among a silvery honeycomb
of nickel-iron. 當陽光穿過這些隕石片時,都會產生和彩繪玻璃一樣的效果,在這顆隕石之中,有一種稱為橄欖石的礦物,它的半透明金色結晶,在鐵鎳組成的銀色蜂窩狀結構中閃閃發亮。

 Esquel meteorite slice 隕石切片 Add caption

Valuable: The main mass of the Fukang meteorite, which failed to sell after being valued at $2million. The intact space rock weighed as much as a small car

The rare meteorite weighed about the same as a hatchback when it was discovered in 2000, in the Gobi Desert in China's Xinjiang Province. It has since been divided into slices which give the effect of stained glass when the sun shines through them. 



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