Google Analytic

2013年5月19日 星期日

Short-term paid summer internship for Seth Godin 行銷大師賽斯.高汀Seth Godin提供帶薪實習的名額,快來唷!

銷大師賽斯.高汀Seth Godin在5/15他PO文要提供帶薪實習歐.


你會在他的辦公室,和他及一個組織嚴密的小組一起工作,開發一個全新的想法。他第一個實習計畫是在八年前唷.  他提到,在他那實習並不能保證一定會有工作,但是一定會很有趣的!

Matlab train and adapt of nntool


train 跟 adapt最大的不同在於批次訓練跟增量訓練


The difference between train and adapt
    Both functions, train and adapt, are used for training a neural network, and most of the time both
can be used for the same network. The most important difference has to do with incremental
training (updating the weights after the presentation of each single training sample) versus batch
training (updating the weights after each presenting the complete data set).

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