用AWS directory service 在串接AD時可能會有些小問題,這邊分享遇過的問題與解決方法
- Status: Failed ( DNS )
- Status: Failed ( internal error )
- Status: Inoperable

Status transition reason: Configuration issues detected: DNS lookup for realm name failed for IP: X.X.X.X Please verify existing configuration and retry the operation.
DNS解析失敗,嘗試以後的經驗是卡對應EC2 instanc的SecurityGroup,也就是VPC的SecurityGroup,這裡SecurityGroup很像基本防火牆的作用,研究中不管設定怎樣的Policy都讀不到,建立一套新的DNS就可以了,若有其他解法歡迎分享。

Status: Failed
Status transition reason: An internal service error has been encountered while connecting the directory. Please retry the operation.
這邊on premise-AD建在EC2上,而這狀況這通常發生在我剛把EC2啟動的時候,所以就是等EC2完整作用完再設定連接就可以了。

Status transition reason: On-premises issue(s) detected by instance X.X.X.X: Unable to reach DNS port (TCP 53) of on-premises server X.X.X.X, Unable to reach DNS port (TCP 53) of on-premises server On-premises issue(s) detected by instance X.X.X.X: Unable to reach DNS port (TCP 53) of on-premises server, Unable to reach DNS port (TCP 53) of on-premises server X.X.X.X.
AWS AD的設定頁面不像EC2一樣,有啟動停止的選項,所以不用擔心,當你將EC2停止後,AWS AD的連接就會自動停止,就會顯示這樣的訊息。所以遇到這樣的狀況只要將對應的EC2啟動起來就可以了。
另外如果你將建好的AWS AD砍掉,要在與原來的AD相連的話,經驗上來說,該EC2的SG要另外給一個新的,才能順利建立。
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