2016年4月26日 星期二

Splunk Dashboard Drilldown Implementation 報表連結範例

Splunk 一大特色就是可以很快地上手並設計出簡易的商務統計報表(這裡的報表指的是Dashboard唷),而一份好的分析會從幾個面向去思考,最簡單的邏輯就是由大而小,逐漸具體。




而如果想要drilldown到特定的表格或dashboard,基本上就是要在dashborad的xml/html模式下進行設置而這就是custom drilldown或是官網指的Dynamic drilldown(介紹頁: http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.2.0/Viz/Understandbasictableandchartdrilldownactions )

在xml中Dynamic drilldown有幾個關鍵要素就是<drilldown></drilldown>,下面有三種設置

  1. <drilldown> Define custom destinations. Parent element of the other dynamic drilldown elements.
  2. <condition> Specify fields that generate drilldown actions.
  3. <link> Specify a target destination for a detailed search.
  4. <set> Publish global tokens that can be consumed by any other element or search within a dashboard. Use <set> and <unset> when displaying drilldown results on the same dashboard. See Contextual drilldown elements.
  5. <unset> Remove a token that was previously set. Use <set> and <unset> when displaying drilldown results on the same dashboard. Use <set> and <unset> when displaying drilldown results on the same dashboard. See Contextual drilldown elements.
官網Dynamic drilldown範例:
  <label>Dynamic Drilldown</label> ###A
          <query>index="_internal" | chart count by sourcetype | sort sourcetype</query>
          <link target="_blank">
        <option name="drilldown">row</option>

  <label>Dynamic Drilldown (Target Form)</label>  ###B
  <fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="true">
    <input type="text" token="src_type_tok" searchWhenChanged="true">
      <label>Source type</label>
        <title>Source type details</title>
            index=_internal | timechart span=1week count by $src_type_tok$
        <option name="charting.chart">column</option>


  <label>Dynamic Drilldown</label>
          <query>index="_internal" | chart count by sourcetype | sort sourcetype</query>
          <link target="_blank">
        <option name="drilldown">row</option>

另外,如果只單純要聯結到其他表格或面板的話,可以利用a href標籤:
        <a href="/app/<ur_app_name>/<form_name>">Hyperlink</a>

